Mischa Varmuza Joins the Team


You know how you do something and you just know instantly that it is absolutely incontrovertibly right. That’s how Naomi felt when she first did Mischa’s class: “Mischa’s teaches thoughtfully with intention and focus and her approach is underpinned by her evident dedication to the practice. Her humility and kindness are perfect for everyone from beginners to advanced practionners. And her intelligent and always-evolving sequences have the kind of a philosophical framework for the yoga geeks to get their teeth into. She is really is just perfect for Yoga on the Lane.” Which is why we've found space on the schedule for four weekly classes:

Wednesday 9.30am Dynamic (Community has moved to Tuesday lunch)

Thursday 6.30pm Level One

Thursday 7.45pm Dynamic

Friday 12.30pm Dynamic

Want to know more? Here’s her extended biog:

Mischa's yoga journey began over a decade ago and slowly began to weave its way through her life; she is continually humbled and inspired by the potential of yoga to transform, expand and heal and is devoted to sharing the practice with others. She holds enormous gratitude to leading vinyasa flow teacher Claire Missingham with whom she completed her initial 200 hours and went on to assist for some time afterwards. Most recently Mischa finished an additional 300 hour training with her teacher Sianna Sherman who is of enormous influence and inspiration to her. She has now stepped into apprenticeship with Sianna and assists on her workshops and trainings. Mischa has spent over a year in India studying, practicing and visiting sacred sites and it holds a special place in her heart.

Mischa teaches a heartfelt practice with creative sequencing, a deep focus on breath and alignment and a combination of strong steady flow and longer holds to both uplift and tap into the stillness. She draws her understanding from a number of styles and traditions, particularly inspired by the philosophy and practices of the Tantric lineage. Her classes are woven with philosophy, myth and stories and often include music, chanting, meditation and ritual. Mischa's teaching is passionate and knowledgeable, her intention is to both challenge and restore, holding a space for individuals to open, reflect and absorb. You will be taken on a joyful journey of self inquiry and unfolding. Mischa is committed to her own study and practice as the foundation of her teaching.


David Annand