Pregnancy Yoga Classes
Pregnancy is such an exciting time for any woman, but one freighted with a sense of the unknown so it’s great to have as many calming techniques at your disposal as possible. Our experienced teachers will share techniques to help achieve a kind of calm that will not only serve you in pregnancy but also in motherhood. Whether you’re an experienced yogi or you’ve never set foot on a mat our pregnancy classes are the perfect preparation for labour and a great way of meeting other local mums. If you’ve any questions please email
For any questions please email:
We have One in-person pregnancy yoga class every week: Wednesdays at 6.00pm.
Here’s a few of our favourite quotes from our students:
“My labour was a very calm and beautiful experience and the golden thread breath was invaluable.”
“Birth was really easy thanks to walking around and breathing. Just 4 hours labour!”
“The labour was fantastic, just entonox, 5hrs of established labour… couldn’t have done it without the yoga classes really, so thank you very much for all the help and empowering.’”