Throughout history we have gathered in circles to honour our experience as women, share our wisdom and lift each other up. These safe and supportive gatherings can feel deeply nourishing as we navigate change, uncertainty and transitions that are part of the female experience. Knowing that you are not alone on this journey and that you are innately equipped with the resources and bodily wisdom to embrace these natural ebbs and flows can be hugely life affirming. Women’s Body Wisdom Guide, Gabriella Espinosa returns to Yoga on the Lane to offer a monthly Women’s Wisdom Circle. During each session we will explore a different theme through shared discussion engaging in practices of embodied movement, breath, journaling and self-reflection. You will feel empowered with the tools and wisdom to connect with your unique nature and with each other finding strength and support in our togetherness. Third Wednesday of the month starting 21 April 8-9.15pm £10 drop in. No yoga experience is necessary. Dress comfortably and have a quiet space to practice along with a journal and pen.