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Women’s Wisdom Circle: Practices for Emotional Resilience & Empowerment with Gabriela Espinosa

Throughout history we have gathered in circles to honour our experience as women, share our wisdom and lift each other up. These safe and supportive gatherings can feel deeply nourishing as we navigate change, uncertainty and transitions that are part of the female experience.

Knowing that you are not alone on this journey and that you are innately equipped with the resources and bodily wisdom to embrace these natural ebbs and flows can be hugely life affirming.

Join Women’s Body Wisdom Guide, Gabriella Espinosa for a 3 week series of Women’s Wisdom Circles. Each week we will explore a different theme through shared discussion engaging in practices of embodied movement, breath, journaling and self-reflection. You will feel empowered with the tools and wisdom to honour and befriend your true nature.

Wednesdays 17, 24, 31 March  8-9.15pm £30. No yoga experience is necessary. Dress comfortably and have a quiet space to practice along with a journal and pen.

17th March: Inherited Narratives: Rewriting our Stories– exploring the stories about our bodies we have internalised and how they shape the way we view ourselves through the different stages of womanhood. An opportunity to feel, move with and visualise how we truly want to show up in the world.

24th March: Resourcing for Emotional Resilience– a discussion of the factors that affect our emotional and mental health: stress, overwhelm, demands of family, work and life. Practices to self soothe and resource for emotional resilience.

31st March: Welcoming Rest– a discussion about self compassion and how we can sabotage it. Welcoming rest as an act of radical self care and compassion.